FDIC-Insured—Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Online & Mobile

Mobile Banking

You can reach mobile web by navigating to m.dalhartfederal.com

What is Mobile banking?

Mobile Banking is a service that allows you to complete internet banking transactions through a Web-enabled mobile device. You can access Dalhart Federal Saving’s mobile banking using your phone or tablets browser by navigating to m.dalhartfederal.com or through an app available for download from the Google Play or Apple app store.

How can I activate Mobile Banking?

Using a desktop or laptop computer you first have to sign up for Internet Banking. If you do not have access to a PC, you can come in at either location, Dalhart or Dumas and a New Accounts representative will help you sign up. You can then activate Mobile Banking by logging into m.dalhartfederal.com on your mobile device, or download the app from the Google Play or Apple app store, then sign in using your Internet Banking credentials. You only have to agree to the mobile banking agreement the first time you sign into mobile banking.

Mobile Banking is active, now what?

Login using the appropriate link, m.dalhartfederal.com. or app. If you cannot login please call a New Accounts representative, in Dalhart at (806) 249-8561 and in Dumas at (806) 935-7161.

How much does it cost?

No additional fees or costs are associated with activating and using Mobile Banking. Data charges through your carrier might apply.

How do I access Mobile Banking on the mobile device?

Simply go to m.dalhartfederal.com, or download the app through Google Play or Apple store. That will launch the mobile version of the site. Enter your Internet Banking username and password to login. After logging in, a list of accounts to which you have access will appear.

What kind of mobile devices can use the Mobile Banking service?

Most Web-enabled phones or other devices with a WAP 2.0 and XHTML-MP compatible browser can use Mobile Web. You must have an active data plan through your service provider to utilize Mobile Web.

Can I change my Mobile Banking username and password?

Yes. Changing the username or password for Internet Banking settings will also change your settings for Mobile Banking.

What types of accounts can I access with Mobile Banking?

You can access your personal accounts, to which you have permissions through your mobile device.

What types of transactions can I perform through my mobile device?

In addition to viewing account information, you can pay existing bills, make loan payments, and transfer funds.

Can account history information be accessed through Mobile Banking?

Yes. You can view a variety of information about past transactions, including the transaction date, description, and amount. You can also search history by account type or date range.

What happens when I use an invalid username or password to access the site?

An error message appears indicating that invalid logon credentials were used, and the system does not allow logon.

How can I provide feedback on Mobile Banking?

After logging on, you can use the User Feedback option to send us any suggestions for improvement.

What kind of security is included with Mobile Banking?

Mobile Banking includes the following security features:

  • 128-bit encryption.
  • Password protection.
  • Automatic session expiration. The application will time out if the customer has not used the application for several minutes.
  • Privacy protection. No private data is stored on the mobile device.
  • Masked account numbers. It masks account numbers with Xs whenever practical within the application.
  • Multi-factor authentication. Mobile Banking provides a multi-factor authentication feature that appears whenever the user attempts something unusual, such as using a different mobile device or accessing the site from a new IP address. This feature asks the customer personal questions, and in order to continue, the answers must match the ones they entered when they signed up for the service.

Mobile Banking Device Security

Safety tips to protect your mobile device:

  • When purchasing a smartphone turn off features not needed. Learn how to set your device back to default settings.
  • Use encryption installed on the phone to protect your personal data in the case of loss or theft.
  • Look at the reviews and developer before downloading apps
  • Review and understand the permissions you are giving when you download applications.
  • Passcode protect your mobile device. This is the first layer of physical security to protect the contents of the device.
  • Enable the screen lock feature after a few minutes of inactivity.
  • Obtain malware protection for your mobile device. Look for applications that specialize in antivirus/malware or file integrity.
  • Be aware of applications that enable geo-location. The application will track the user’s location anywhere. This application can be used for marketing, stalkers and/or burglaries.
  • Do not allow your device to connect to unknown wireless networks. These networks could be access points that capture information passed between your device and a fraudulent server.
  • If you decide to sell your device or trade it in, make sure you wipe the device (reset it to factory default) to avoid leaving personal data on the device.
  • Smartphones require updates to run applications and firmware. If users neglect this, it increases the risk of having their device hacked or compromised.
  • Avoid clicking on or otherwise downloading software or links from unknown sources.
  • Use the same precautions on your mobile phone as you would on your computer when using the Internet.
  • Do not use your full or partial Social Security # as a Personal Identification # (PIN), user ID or password.
  • Make sure your password is 8 or more characters and combines letters, numerals, and/or symbols. Do not use the same user ID and password for your financial accounts as you do for other sites.
  • Do not use your device to store sensitive personal information or bank account #’s.
  • Never respond to urgent email or text claiming to be from a bank or any company that requests your account information or personal details.

If you have been a victim of an Internet scam or have received an e-mail that you believe was an attempted scam, please file a complaint at www.IC3.gov, or call Dalhart Federal Savings & Loan Association, SSB at 806-249-8561.