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The NEW MoneyDesktop Now Available

Money Desktop offers a convenient, engaging, and complete money management experience. Now you can have an engaging money management experience securely within online banking. Along with Bubble Budgets, Expense Tracking, Debt Management, and more. Not only will you be able to see all your financial accounts, balances, and transactions in one place - you will be able to visualize and interact with that data in new and meaningful ways - all conveniently and securely within online banking. Login to Online Banking to start using the NEW MoneyDesktop today!


Control your spending!

The MoneyDesktop, Bubble Budgets, delivers a better way to budget by using bubbles. Using circles or “bubbles” to represent budgets allows you to quickly identify budgets that need the most attention. At a glance, you will be able to determine a budget’s:

  • Category status of over, under or near budget (color)
  • Relative Value (size)
  • Spending Progress (meter)
  • Relationship to other budgets


Keep track of your spending!

Don’t just track spending, know your spending! Get powerful insights on where, when, and how you spend.Expense Tracking automatically categorizes and tracks spending from all your accounts, so you can see where your money is really going. Unlike other spending pies, MoneyDesktop gives you an in-depth insight into your spending habits.


Take control of your financial future!

Through Debit Management you can create a customized financial plan that fits your lifestyle. It also helps you stay on track with financial monitoring that keeps you on the path to financial freedom and well-being. Data Management allows the user to quickly see which debts are being paid down and for how long and can even give you instructions on how to get out of debt and stay out for good.


Get the BIG picture!

Your Net Worth displays data that shows you a data visualization of your assets vs. liabilities. You can quickly determine if you are moving in the right direction - and to what degree. Even the smallest changes are easy to see and place in context.

Login to Online Banking to start using the NEW MoneyDesktop today!

Money Desktop is a trademark of MX Technologies, Inc.